Jordyn Fishman


Interview by Jimon

1-Where do you live and create at the moment?  
I live and work in Brooklyn, New York

2-Did you study art or is it inherent? 
I studied art at The University of Michigan

3-How did you acquire your style?  
I studied art books from a very young age. My dad gifted me the Taschen Basquiat catalogue around the age of 10 years old and I obsessed over every word and image. From then, up until the present day, I have gained a great deal of knowledge from reading art history books, artists’ statements and retrospectives. My style has always been inherent to me, developing over the years, but from every book I take away new ideas that eventually help to mature my own visual language.

4-How long have you been making art and what lead you to start?  
I’ve been painting for about 8 years. Art was the only subject in school that I wasn't good at and that really bothered me. All the other subjects were somewhat boring for me because I could understand them, but art class challenged me. And I like challenges. So I started to get more into it and it turned into a passion and a genuine interest in exploring the technique, history and the future development of painting.

5-Who is your favorite artist?  
If I had to pick one I would say Willem de Kooning.

6-What advice would you give putative collectors?  
I think I would ask them for advice, not the other way around.

7-What is the origin of each of your paintings (imagination, inspiration....) ?  
My work is completely derived from imagination. I do not work from photographs or specific memories. I work from a compilation of the many ideas I have swirling in my head, filter through it and eventually land on a composition and concept. There is a play between control and the lack thereof in my work, both thematically and technically. The core imagery I begin a painting with has intention, has a language in mind, has covert meanings. As the work develops a bit more and the play of painting unfolds I can be more loose and I enjoy that spontaneity in imagery and gesture.

8-How do you describe success as an artist?  
I think this is an almost impossible question to answer. They always say there are as many ways to be an artist as there are artists, and I believe that applies to success as well. I think the question is, how can you continue to enjoy your work?

9-If you could live in a museum anywhere in the world which would it be?  
Museum of Osteology.

10-What do you dream about? 
I usually don’t remember all my dreams, but I have a couple recurring dreams about the world spinning too slow.

11-Do you have a place/person/thing that you visit for inspiration?
Art books, world history books, murder mysteries, documentaries about the “greats” of our time and culture...

12-If you could have dinner with three artists living/dead who would be at your table?
Philip Guston, Edgar Degas and Jean-Michel Basquiat

13-Name three things you can’t live without in your studio?  
Prunes, paint and Pierre.

14-If you were asking the questions what question would you ask and please answer the question. What are you most scared of as an artist? 

15-How would someone find you on Social media?  
Instagram @jordyn_fishman

16-Please name the first thing that comes to your mind while reading the following:
Art= passion
Food= fuel
Sports= work ethic
Politics= complex and oversimplified
Poor= happy?
God= game
Rich= happy?
Luxury= dosage
Sex= love
Picasso= unmatched
Religion= game

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